Start 2012 Giving …
As a child I was taught to keep the “good energy” flowing. What my parents meant was help or give to those in need and you will be rewarded with the same kindness and gratitude. The same concept has been expressed in other ways, “give and thou shall receive”, “good karma”, “do unto others as you would have them do unto you”, etc. There is even a book called “The Secret” written about the law of attraction, positive energy attracts more positive energy. Some may be skeptical about this belief, but I embrace it whole heartedly. It may be my Electrical Engineering degree that helps me conceptualize this belief, I know that energy exists even when you cannot see or touch it. You know what I am talking about if you ever noticed someone looking at you from across the room. With this belief, we would like to finish 2011 with good intentions and start 2012 with the gift of giving, by offering:
25% off on all products to help you with your Christmas shopping, and
A day of FREE classes on New Year’s Day
The 25% is good on all products, just mention the promotional code “gift” to our staff. The promotional code can be redeemed once per person before Christmas Day, so treat yourself or your loved ones for the holiday.