DSCN3147It is hard to believe it’s almost been a  year since we opened our doors on Sept 27th.  In just one short year we have made it on TV news, national and local newspapers, a TV talk show, became a San Jose Small Business Development Center 2010 success story and most importantly we made a lot of new friends through the community we are trying to build.  We received quite a bit of feedback from students and the one thing I hear most often is:  “Your studio has such a warm and inviting energy”.  If you have been to our studio you would understand the comment.  Good energy attracts more good energy, and that growing inviting energy has became our unique signature for the studio.  All of this would not have been possible without our wonderful teachers, your love and support, thank you.  To celebrate our one year milestone you are cordially invited to our anniversary party on Oct 8th.  Come and enjoy a day of free classes, 25% off all products and ending with live jazz music, a fire dancing performance, food and maybe even wine.  This is a big day for us and I hope you can join us.