Happy Feet, Happy Heart

Happy Feet, Happy Heart
by Ariana Brandao
As we continue to feel changes in the season, here are reflective poetic thoughts on the many reasons to spend an extra few moments thinking about our relationship with our feet.
Root, Ground, Drive;
like a tree
a house
a vehicle.

Our feet carry us from place to place, transporting our bodies into new spaces, inviting new energy upwards. I walk up the road, into this pose, and forward fold, reaching my nose towards my toes. My feet are as much my foundations, as they are my mode of transportation.

As yoga continues to transform my life off the mat, paying more attention to my feet continues to be foundational to the transformation in my practice. In the studio, we hear cues to root our feet into the mat or push out of the heels, drawing stronger lines of energy through the backs of our legs. Through the voices of many teachers, I continue to learn about the wealth of information our feet deliver to the body and brain regarding our environment.

Further exploring the architecture of our feet can increase our awareness of how we take our steps in life, both physically and beyond. Stretching our feet improves blood circulation and is a powerful way to mitigate the effects of wearing constrictive modern footwear. Compacted and constricted foot musculature translates into compacted and constricted musculature within the body. The practice of evenly grounding in the feet invites stability, rootedness, and initiates the free flow from greater reservoirs of energy up through our feet and into the body. With greater curiosity into how my feet affect my state of mind, I am happy when I remember to invite mindfulness of how my feet energetically support the way I am standing or seated when in line at the store, driving in my car, or around a kitchen with family.

The more I learn about the body, the more that knowledge transforms my practice – anatomical and yogic knowledge empowers an infinite process of informed integrative alignment. I invite you to bring a playful perspective into your practice – take a breath, and bring your awareness to your feet.

Can you find
your toes
your heels
your arches
and everything in between?

Can you find your breath with each step; can you invite walking meditation throughout your day?

Wherever you are going,
you are already there;
To thank the feet that carry our body, heart and mind
is a beautiful practice to share.