Doing Yoga or trying Aerial for the first time doesn’t have to be scary.  Our teachers and warm atmosphere will help any new students feel at ease.

Just like trying anything for the first time, beginning Yoga can be a very daunting task. The truth of the matter is that the most difficult part is simply showing up. I can assure you that once you have made it inside the door, you will noticed the intimate and warm atmosphere that will help you feel right at home.

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Your reasons for coming to Yoga could also be the reasons that keeps you away, such as feeling like you are out of shape, inflexible, a bit shy or want to try something new but don’t want to look foolish. None of us were born with a Yoga mat. We all started at the same place, knowing nothing about Yoga. Our sole purpose for opening the studio is to help people find Yoga. We are here to serve you, and not to scare you.

We have heard all the various reasons for not starting Yoga, such as “I am not flexible”. Well, you are not going to get more flexible by not starting Yoga either. The body only gets dryer and tighter as we get older. The sooner we start to turn things around the better we feel. Even the most experienced Yogi takes it one practice at the time, and the “transformation through practice” will slowly but surely happen.

Our Gentle and Level 1 classes are the perfect place to get started. Even experienced students come to these classes to feel the poses rather than sweat through them. You will start to notice your breath, become more aware of your body and alignment and you even find yourself more open and connected to your body, mind and spirit. You know your body the best, so honor your personal abilities and expect every body to be different in their own beautiful way.

The best class packages to start with are our New Student Offers.

The Yoga Studio has classes and levels for everyone, from seasoned yogis to yoga novices.  Here are some great information to help you get started.